Our Lady of the Grove Council 13448

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Grow in faith and build a strong parish and Church. Aid priests and religious in formation, honor our Mary, mother of God, and engage in serious spiritual reflections and religious education activities.


Strengthen families through faith and service. Socialize and pray with other faith-filled Catholic families through special events, religious services and volunteer opportunities.

Make a powerful difference in your community. Help those less fortunate with the basic human needs of clothing, shelter, mobility and compassion.

Create a culture of life. Assist pregnant women in need, care for the elderly, aid the handicapped and empower those with special needs to realize their full potential.


The Knights are a group of Catholic men like you, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to supporting the Church, strengthening their families, to making their community a better place, and fostering a culture of life.

Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community. It is supporting your parish Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Our Lady of the Grove Council Number 13448 is a vital part of our parish. The first principle of the Knights of Columbus is Charity. It is toward this goal that we channel much of our effort in activities like Tootsie Roll Drive that aids the learning disabled to lead a more normal life; like support for Respect Life Ministry; like support of seminarians to increase the number of priests to serve God, support for the Women’s Center, et cetera.

Father Michael J. McGivney established the Knights of Columbus in 1882 as a fraternal organization. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is the best way for a Catholic man to grow in the faith, protect his family and help the Church and society. Sometimes, we can’t accomplish alone what God has called to do. That’s why we need the Church. And that’s why we as faithful members of the Church need the Knights of Columbus. Membership in the Knights can bring out the best in all of us, young and old alike.

There is much more to tell. Contact Grand Knight Randy Wildenhain by email or (847) 404-0698, and let’s talk.


Knights of Columbus
Our Lady of the Grove Council 13448
Knights of Columbus | 10 N Buffalo Grove Rd, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089